Eleanor's Very Merry Christmas by Denise McGowan Tracy More Info Buy the Book
Joffrey Ballet's The Nutcracker returns to the Auditorium Theatre December 1st through December 30th. Christopher Wheeldon's reenvisioned masterpiece is featured in a brilliant WTTW PBS special Making a New American Nutcracker available online. Be sure to check out the 2017 Program Book on the Joffrey Ballet website. This glorious production sells out fast and is not to be missed! TICKETS
Also This Week: Q Brothers Christmas Carol and Red Velvet Chicago Shakespeare Theater, Violet Griffin Theatre, The Christmas Schooner Mercury Theater and The Pearl Fishers and Turandot Lyric Opera. The Holiday Season brings out many charitable opportunities. Season of Concern is supported by many theater companies in Chicagoland. Caring by Sharing, a benefit concert for Chicago Dancers United will be held on Friday, December 1st at Ebenezer Lutheran Church. The Chicago Cabaret Professional's annual holiday benefit Merry Measures at Davenport's will be held on December 4th and 5th.
Last July, we launched PICKSINSIX a short-form commentary and review platform. Six words. Six comments. All you need to know to go. Like us on Facebook, Follow on Twitter. Check out our recent PICKSINSIX reviews of The Belle of Amherst, The Importance of Being Earnest, Lizzie and A Christmas Carol and be sure to subscribe to our podcasts on iTunes, Libsyn and Stitcher. Much more to come!
Toast the season and make a reservation now! The cast of "Tony N' Tina's Wedding on December 4th. Monday Night Live at Petterino's Res: (312) 422-0150
Chicago Cabaret Professionals present Merry Measures December 4th & 5th at Davenport's
Songs of the Season return to Petterino's Monday Night Live on December 4th. Co-hosts Denise McGowan Tracy and Beckie Menzie welcome the Chicago cast of "Tony N' Tina's Wedding" and will continue celebrating their 10th Anniversary at the popular spot located at 140 Dearborn on December 11th and 18th. No cover, reduced parking and the MNL menu make it the perfect holiday night out. Reservations are strongly encouraged. Call (312) 422-0150 or visit the website. The show begins at 7:30 pm. Check out the feature in the Nov/Dec 2017 issue of Cabaret Scenes magazine, Monday Night Live at Petterino’s: Ten Years and Going Strong by Carla Gordon.
Bring Eleanor home for the Holidays!
Looking for that special something under the tree? Denise McGowan Tracy's book Eleanor’s Very Merry Christmas Wish is the heart-warming story of a rag doll who yearns for a best friend and a home of her own. It is now available in a beautiful hardcover edition on Amazon. You can also receive signed copies through the website or by calling (312) 646-5444.
Eleanor’s old-fashioned story is meant to be read aloud and is the perfect gift for any youngster, but especially for those little elves named Sprinkle, Sparkle and, of course, Eleanor! Order by December 15th to be sure to have it in time for Christmas!
Buy the Book
Firebrand Theatre debut Den Theatre LIZZIE through December 17th PICKSINSIX
Writers Theatre The Importance of Being Earnest through December 23rd PICKSINSIX
Goodman Theatre A Christmas Carol through December 31st PICKSINSIX
Lookinglass Hard Times through January 14, 2018 PICKSINSIX
Porchlight - Billy Elliot extended through December 31st PICKSINSIX
Writers Theatre - QUIXOTE: On the Conquest of Self through December 17th PICKSINSIX
Marriott - Newsie's through December 31st PICKSINSIX
The Second City - Freaks Fall From Space PICKSINSIX
American Blues Theater - It’s A Wonderful Life PICKSINSIX
Court Theatre - The Belle of Amherst through December 3rd PICKSINSIX
ARCHIVE PICKSINSIXThanks to our sponsor Regus Chicago, the market leader in office space, for helping to make our programs possible.