“Firebrand Rocks The House ... ‘LIZZIE’ SLAYS!”
What’s it about … even if all you knew was the infamous nursery rhyme, it would be enough to peak your curiosity about the debut production of Chicago’s newest Equity company, Firebrand Theatre. Residing in a place somewhere between rock musical and punk concert, a cast of four women and an on stage band tell the story of Lizzie, her sister Emma, girlfriend Alice and the housekeeper, Bridget, who all have a secret they have kept for a long time, 1892 to be exact.
Why you should go … Firebrand Theatre is the world’s first musical theatre company committed to employing and empowering women on and off the stage. It is the brainchild of co-founder and producer Harmony France, directed by Victoria Bussert and stars Camille Robinson, Liz Chidester, Jacquelyne Jones and Leah Davis at newly remodeled The Den Theatre's Bookspan Theatre at 1333 N. Milwaukee.

Who did it and why ... the famous murder of Mr. Borden and his wife — not Lizzie’s mother, btw — made Fall River, Massachusetts infamous. And while it was never proved that Lizzie was behind it all, there is a lot of there there. To tell you more, might give it all away since there are some tantalizing surprises.

Power-packed... Robinson, Chidester, Jones and Davis are non-stop terrific in a driving, pulsating performance. This is an ensemble effort, with an all-woman rock band.
What to wait and watch for ... 'House of Borden' ... Chidester nails 'This Is Not Love' ... 'Sweet Little Sister' ... 'Somebody Will Do Something' ... 'The Dress' ... 'Questions, Questions' ... 'Will You Stay'
Plan ahead ... haze, strobe lights and "splash effect" warning in place, so don't wear white or sit up front.
What’s next ... There’s a big buzz for Firebrand. After LIZZIE, the company presents Nine to Five opening April 7, 2018.
Photos|Marisa KM