The play-within-the play “Indecent” by the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Paula Vogel, unfolds over decades and across continents to tell the story of the life and times of Sholem Asch and the players who perform his work, God of Vengeance, a singular piece of performance art that was revered, censored and then shamefully reviled in its Broadway debut. “Indecent” champions the ideal that our unending responsibility to protect the essence of art that brings us together – truth, acceptance, freedom and love – can be ripped away in a moment. Director Gary Griffin, and the stirring ensemble playing multiple roles, deliver an inspiring and gripping production now playing at Victory Gardens Theater.
God of Vengeance, written in 1906, is a controversial love story involving a prostitute and a young woman whose father runs a brothel. As this “true story of a little Jewish play” begins, the players tell the compelling story of the inception of Asch’s work and the long and successful runs in Paris, Berlin, Constantinople and other European locations that followed, before Asch immigrates to America.
In New York, the play has an extraordinarily successful run in the Yiddish theater circuit before a muted English translation moves to Broadway, a 1923 debut that is shuttered in mid-performance on charges of obscenity that lead to the arrest and conviction of everyone involved.