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Lucy and Charlie's Honeymoon - Matthew C. Yee


Spend a little time speaking with Matthew C. Yee these days and you come away with a feeling that the thoughtful, passionate and committed artist is in the middle of telling one of the most important cultural stories of his life. Not that his debut musical “Lucy and Charlie's Honeymoon,” currently in previews at Lookingglass Theatre, is really his life story but, it is a very unique take on his own Asian heritage. And, as you will hear, one of the characters in the show is based on his grandmother.

The central theme of the show came from a short 2012 on-camera scene in college about an Asian American couple who argue outside of a convenience store that they are about to rob. The dramatic relationship between the two and their aspirations – an alternative take on the American Dream with a country western musical twist – compelled Yee to write the first draft of the show a few years later. That work then attracted creative artists and friends who helped move the project along to the point where the opportunity for a production at Lookingglass materialized.

Chicago audiences have surely seen the multi-talented Yee over the last decade plying his craft at Steppenwolf, Writer’s Theater and Paramount, among others, in a developing career that led to a role in the Broadway production of “Almost Famous” last year. Along the way, he has been collaborating on the show with a wide range of artists in Chicago’s rich creative community.

Aurora Adachi-Winter and Yee star as Lucy and Charlie in the show about two first generation Asian Americans who meet, fall in love and then decide to start a life of crime together. Yee termed the genre of music “Countrypolitan” – a mix of the “Nashville Sound” of artists from the 40s through the 70s that he was drawn to in his youth – and credits the diverse cast who both sing and play instruments throughout for broadening the overall vision for the production.

“Lucy and Charlie’s Honeymoon” is directed by Amanda Dehnert and features: Matt Bittner, Wai Ching Ho, Rammel Chan, Harmony Zhang, Doug Pawlik, Daniel Lee Smith and Mary Williamson.

There is much more about the show in our conversation with Matthew C. Yee, whose passion to realize the exact intersection of storytelling, music and theater is playing on stage now at Lookingglass. PODCAST

The development process: “I started working on this story in 2012. … a little scene for an on-camera class that I was taking in college about a couple arguing outside of a convenience store about how they were going to rob the convenience store. I sat on that for a long time and it was always just ruminating… these two characters who were in love with each other, but very, very bad for each other. They sort of battled each other in a lot of different ways and I wanted to expand that into something bigger.”

“I started working on an expanded version in 2016-17. We did a read of it at the Steppenwolf’s Front Bar and from there I turned it into a full-length play. It was still very, very rough… we had a reading of it with some friends and our costume designer, Sully Ratke, an artistic associate at Lookingglass, who passed it along to Heidi Stillman, the artistic director. Heidi contacted me and she's like, “I want to do a reading of this. We should get a cast together. I want to hear this out loud.” And so we did that in 2019… then Phil Smith and Heidi said they want to do a full production. … We were going open in the spring of 2020 and that didn't happen, for obvious reasons. And then we kept working on it… doing workshops when we could. …a zoom version we shared on the internet. And then we were going to do it in the spring of 2022 and “Almost Famous” on Broadway happened. And so we pushed again and then here we are.”

The story: “Without giving too much away… this couple, Lucy and Charlie, who are first generation Asian Americans, fall in love at a time in their life when they are trying to figure out who they are and how they fit into American culture. And they're having trouble. And Charlie especially is having a lot of trouble figuring out what it means to be an Asian American, especially a male Asian American. There is a lot of baggage that can come along with being a male Asian American. They fall in love and they get married after knowing each other for two weeks. And they have this brilliant idea that they are going to start a life of crime together because nothing else has worked. And they think that this is going to be a really beautiful, romantic sort of American outlaw cowboy story, that they are going to go out west and live this outlaw life together. They end up meeting a woman along the way who has come from China to help her sister, who months before also had come to America in search of her American Dream. They start to suspect that something bad has happened and they try to rescue this woman and things don't go well because she doesn't want to be rescued. She doesn't think that she needs to be helped by these people. And they all also don't know what the hell they are doing. They become this trio and go on this adventure together. And from there, you should come see it because a lot of other crazy stuff happens.”

The music: “I wrote the music in the style of mid-century, Americana country western folk expanding from the 1940s to the 1970s. I got really interested in something that people call “Nashville Sound” or sometimes it's called “Countrypolitan”… country music mixed with pop music and Americana… It's a style that can feel very insular because a lot of us think that it belongs to a specific group of Americans. I wanted to change that perception. I was really excited to have a cast of Asian Americans playing this music because it is the music that I grew up with and I've loved for a long time… so I wanted to take the feeling that I had as a kid that it was weird that I liked this style of music and I wanted to bring that on onto the stage.”

Bao’s Song: “Our character Bao, who is the woman who has come from China, has this dream of reuniting with her sister, moving out west and living in the mountains together. She talks about seeing an old movie in China, an American western… cowboys who stole gold and went to live in the mountains together. And she loved that idea and she wanted to live that adventure. So, “Bao’s Song” is very much the ‘This is what I want song” that tells you all about who she is as a person, where she's come from and what she wants out of life.” (Editor’s Note: Listen to a featured performance by Yee of “Bao’s Song” on the podcast.)

On Collaboration:
“One of the benefits of having all of these people that I've worked with for a long time in the room and who have worked on this project for a long time is that they know what the vision is, they know what's inside my head, and they're able to help guide me in ways that we just wouldn't be able to do if these were new people we had just cast. They understand me and what I'm trying to get at and they understand that no matter what state the text is in, it's going to get to a place that it's going be the best version that it can be. So, there's a lot of trust that they put in me, and there's a lot of trust that I put in them that we're going to figure out what this is together.” PODCAST

Comments have been edited for length and clarity.

REHEARSAL PHOTO| Sarah Elizabeth Larson

In previews
Opens June 3 - July 11, 2023





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For more reviews, visit: Theatre In Chicago


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First things first... If you are looking for a rousing adventure story, rich and rugged scenic elements, dynamic performances, imaginative puppetry and high-flying excitement above and below the waterline - or as the script says, "one staggering vision heaped on another" - Lookingglass Theatre Company's 20,000 Leagues Under the Seas is sure to rock your boat!

High seas exploits... The Jules Verne classics have been majestically reimagined for the stage and this fascinating science fiction epic bubbles up from the deep in a new stage adaptation by David Kersnar and Steve Pickering(Althos Low) weaving all the mystery and suspense of Captain Nemo's high seas exploits together with shipwrecks and sea creatures, great and small, in a thrilling evening of entertainment. 

What it's about... Prisoners from a Confederate prison camp escape and crash land a hot-air balloon on a remote island. In time they discover and recognize the Natalius from a familiar published work by the noted French expert Professor Morgan Aronnax, and meet its aging, anguished and sole surviving crew member, Captain Nemo (a spellbinding Kareem Bandealy). The story unfolds through the recollections of Professor Aronnax(the dynamic Kasey Foster), her compatriot, Brigette Conseil(a spirited performance by Lanise Antoine Shelley) and the swashbuckling harpooner Ned Land(a beefy, rugged role for Walter Briggs) who are central to the inner story of seas storms, intrigue and more than a few twists and turns. The superb supporting ensemble includes Thomas J. Cox, Joe Dempsey, Micah Figueroa, Edwin Lee Gibson, Glenn-Dale Obrero and an extraordinary stage crew who make the magic happen.

Fantastic voyage... Fans of the Jules Verne classics or the film version will find this reimagined story right in their wheelhouse, a fantastic voyage with a new, engaging twist of character relationships. 

A visual feast... Todd Rosenthal's ruddy, versatile set design is complemented by Sully Ratke's brilliant period costumes highlighted by Christine Binder's lighting and Rick Sims sound. The inspired circus choreography by Slyvia Hernandez-DiStasi, massive rigging by Issac Schoepp and the creative puppet designs of Blair Thomas, Tom Lee and Chris Wooten, make this David Kersnar directed production a visual feast. 

REFLECT... Lookingglass presents a post-show discussion entitled REFLECT following the 2:00 p.m. matinees on select Sundays. The June 24th topic: Jules Verne and Victorian Sci-Fi... the July 15th offering is Creatures From The Deep presented in partnership with scientists from Chicago's Shedd Aquarium. For the complete schedule, visit: REFLECT.

PHOTOS|Liz Lauren

Lookingglass Theatre Company

Adapted by David Kersnar and Althos Low
From the Books by Jules Verne
Directed by David Kersnar

through August 19th
821 N Michigan Ave.

TICKETS: 312.337.0665

For more reviews, visit: 
Theatre In Chicago



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